Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Ice Breaker One

Ice Breaker One

Q Each week we will have an ice breaker discussion question. This will be your chance to share your thoughts on the subject we are going to examine during the week and to ask any questions you may have. Please follow the netiquette guidelines for all of your online work in this course, including the ice breakers. If you have any questions, please contact me asap. This week we will begin our study of early conquest and contact in the Americas. Before we begin the readings I would like each of you to briefly address the following question. Think back to the first time you were taught about Columbus and his contact and/or conquest of the Native Americans; what were you told? Has your understanding of this changed during the course of your education; why or why not? *Please take time to reflect on your response at the end of the module to see if your knowledge or thoughts on the subject have changed after completing the assignments for this week.

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When I first learned of Christopher Columbus and his journey to the New world I vaguely remember being told that when he had first made contact with the Native Americans he wanted to learn about their lifestyles. The lessons from elementary and middle school taught me Columbus was an explorer with a purpose to learn and discover new lands through his adventures. My understanding and perspective of Columbus as a child was light–he appeared as a fair, kind, and honest man with pure intentions when he arrived in the New World.